What do you get when you combine two unicorns, one that's an auditor and the other an engineer, divine dumplings, a beat-up craigslist truck in a backyard and a crazy idea? You get a run-on sentence and the opportunity to travel the US with Food Network. But, something else that you hopefully get is a deeper awareness of the effects of malnutrition. Sophia and Sunny are NC School of Math & Science "high-school sweethearts" who both have a conviction for change. "Food became a vehicle to connect the community," they shared with me. These women used their Pho Nomenal Dumpling Truck (formerly known as Dump Phucking Truck) to do this. They believe that food is critical for humans to make change in their own lives. Prime victims of malnutrition are kids who live in food deserts; urban areas without grocery markets within a walkable radius. You can see the effects on their report card. Sunny, Sophia and I talked about how significant of an issue this is in our own community and what an even greater opportunity we have to create an impact. How do we do that? "We need to change our community by starting right here," Sunny said. It starts with focusing our efforts in Raleigh and not just with business, but with our personal life. Sophia recently set a great example of this by using her birthday to raise enough money for 9,000 meals through Rise Against Hunger. Pretty incredible accomplishment, right? Well, like Sophia told me, "If your dream doesn't make you feel vulnerable, you're not dreaming big enough."